Produce financial and market intelligence by querying data repositories and generating periodic reports. The main themes of Planning and Business Intelligence are to do with Strategy and Planning, Data Quality and Business Intelligence to support Colleges and Senior Management with the tools they require to make informed decisions. B. In-depth reporting Software Business Process Management (BPM) memang mampu memberikan report dan analisis, namun cukup sederhana dan hanya bertolak pada kondisi intern.
Sebagai sumber data dari sistem business intelligence, sistem operasional bisnis pada umumnya menggunakan sistem online transaction processing (OLTP) untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnis sehari-hari. OLAP: Stands for Online Analytical Processing and it is a technology for data discovery invented by Panorama Software and then sold to Microsoft in 1996.
Given that IT are driving the project, and the business are being passive, the functionality delivered may miss the target. When you would want to build this kind of massive data integration platform, there are many challenges managing data integration jobs across multiple vendor sources.
As complex machinery started to invent, keeping thousands of information about tools are generated. This is only because a theory cannot work else the tools are invented to implemented that. Deliver commercial advantages to the business through the provisioning of faster, cleaner, more complete analytics.
You may be a developer, may be a manager or may be a business analyst; I believe we all face similar kind of problem as we don’t understand a project very well. Laporan yang dihasilkan oleh sistem business intelligence biasanya memiliki format yang statis dan berisi tipe data yang pasti.