A business plan is a document that is a valuable tool that can act as a blueprint for your home business. Definisinya It is a written statement setting forth the business’s mission and objectives, its operational and financial details, its ownership and management structure and how it hopes to achieve its objectives (Megginson, 2000) artinya Business plan adalah suatu rencana tertulis yang memuat mini dan tujuan bisnis, cara kerja dan rincian keuangan/permodalan susunan para pemilik dan manajemen dan bagaimana cara mencapai tujuan bisnisnya.
Not only will you be less likely to get funding if you copy a business plan, you’ll be greatly reducing your chances of success because you didn’t write a plan that’s right for your specific business, its specific location, target market, and your unique product or service.
For Scotland to be a wealthier and more equal country it needs an effective business environment – high quality business infrastructure, including funding for growth companies and excellent connections to the global marketplace – so, investment remains crucial to our delivery.
While general guidelines are available, if the plan is being written primarily to secure outside funding, such as a small business loan, it’s not a bad idea to see in advance if the financial institution has any specific requirements it likes to see in its loan applications and business plans.
Businesses evolve and adapt over time, and factoring future growth and direction into the business plan can be an effective way to plan for changes in the market, growing or slowing trends, and new innovations or directions to take as the company grows.