Gain real-world experience running live campaigns as you learn from top experts in the field. Students also benefit from the application of computing technology and a collaborative learning environment which allow graduates to immediately contribute in a meaningful way to an organization`s marketing program initiatives using modern information technology tools.
The Marketing Industry Advisory Board has assisted with the program design and continually monitors the course work to ensure the curriculum is both relevant to commercial enterprises and generates future industry leaders with successful career paths.
The module is highly interactive and uses current case study material to expose students to digital marketing campaigns – success and failures -, digital marketing evaluation techniques and integration of digital marketing with organisations’ overall business strategy and marketing communication.
Our Master of Science in Marketing program has several student ambassadors chartered to provide help and information via email for prospective or new students on various topics such as the Dallas environment, housing, living expenses, academic and social life.
Diawali dengan pengertian IMC yang meliputi, ”Integrated marketing Communication merupakan proses bisnis strategis yang digunakan untuk merencanakan, menyusun, mengeksekusi dan mengevaluasi koordinasi, kemampuan mengukur, program komunikasi brand yang persuasif sepanjang waktu dengan konsumen, calon konsumen, karyawan, prospek, kelompok dan target lainnya baik internal maupun eksternal khalayak.