Business Plan Competition

The UK Business Angels Association (UKBAA) is the national trade association for angel and early-stage investment, representing over 160 member organisations and around 18,000 investors. If you’re looking for outside funding, you can use this section to explain why you have a clear need for the funds, how the financing will help your business grow, and how you plan to achieve your growth targets. It features LivePlan, a useful tool that simplifies business planning, budgeting, forecasting and performance tracking for small businesses and start-ups.

Mengenai kedalaman dan rincian dari sebuah business plan sangat tergantung kepada luasnya bisnis yang akan dilakukan, apakah bisnisnya merupakan sebuah industri bersekala besar atau hanya toko barang-barang kelontong. If you’re hoping to grow your business and then, maybe, sell it off and move on, you could outline your proposed ‘exit strategy’.

This version of How to Write a Business Plan for a Small Business was reviewed …

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