President-elect Barack Obama this afternoon nominated venture capital expert Karen Gordon Mills to head the Small Business Administration. Business and data statistics: Research will become a second hobby as you plan your business. The business pastime progressive process helps partnerships to qualify by means of giving coaching publications, directing and additionally specialized and likewise overseeing direction.
In honor of the donation and the bank’s longstanding commitment to small business growth, LiftFund named their newest building on its San Antonio campus the BBVA Compass LiftFund Lending and Learning Center. The rural areas of Arizona can get funds to start their own business or expand an already existing business.
Microloans – This program provides loans up to $50,000 to assist small businesses and some not-for-profit childcare centers start up and expand. In October 2016, Eli was awarded one of the first annual Carey Gabay Excellence and Innovation Awards for Minority-and Women- Owned …