Cuts Weakening Social Security Administration Services

An announcement from President-elect Trump’s transition team hints that the incoming administration may be more open to changes in Social Security than the Republican suggested on the campaign trail, if personnel is any guide. These include our partnership with the National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine to revise our disability guidelines to reflect the most up-to-date medical knowledge; our collaboration with the Department of Labor to update our occupational information; and our partnership with the research community, for example the Disability Research Consortium, to refine our policy development.

FMA was originally organized to represent the interests of civil service managers and supervisors in the Department of Defense and has since branched out to include some 35 different federal departments and agencies including many managers and supervisors within the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Key Republican aides met with the Social Security Administration’s internal investigator on Thursday to discuss lingering concerns …

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Social Security Administration Steps Up Online Security

Social Security provides financial protection for children, blind, disabled survivors and retirees. The Social Security Administration issues an EIN upon receipt and processing of a completed application for an Employer Identification Number. The heads of these state DDS’s may be quickly pointing the finger of blame back at Social Security. Social Security is paying roughly $50 million a year too much to people who collect state pensions but fail to declare that income, according to the system’s inspector general.

Benefits such as disability, survivors and old age social insurance programs provide monthly benefits to the beneficiaries of the insured workers. Additionally, even if individuals report in a timely manner, SSA is required to first provide written notification of how the change affects their benefit amounts and provide due process protections.

Yet he struggled to get Phong Heu, the owner of Social Equality, to pay his bills on time or give …

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What Is The Difference Between Social Security Disability Benefits And VA Disability Benefits?

The mission of the Social Security Administration (SSA) is to deliver Social Security services that meet the changing needs of the public. Barnhart has been claiming for the last three or four months that there would be no major backlogs at Social Security if Congress had just voted for the budgets that President Bush put forward. In her role, she oversaw one of the largest agencies in the federal government, with more than 60,000 federal employees nationwide working with another 16,000 state employees who make medical determinations in the SSA’s disability program.

The Problem Solver called Social Security Administration spokeswoman Carmen Moreno, who had a team look into Lubelchek’s case. Social Security always has a problem in paying newly approved claimants in January because of the other workload pressure which go up dramatically at the beginning of each year.

By the time it realized the error years later, Social Security …

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EEOC Criticizes Social Security

The Death Master File (DMF) from the Social Security Administration (SSA) currently contains over 94 million records. He knew that the problem was poor performance at Social Security and he demanded that Astrue do better. Social Security has released its Annual Statistical Supplement for 2011 , chock full of all the stats about Social Security that you could desire, other than stats on Social Security operations, which, as always, are almost completely absent.

Though nearly 11 million Americans are collecting disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), and its trust fund is expected to be exhausted by 2016, there is little desire to reform the programs on Capitol Hill. The Social Security Administration Death Master File contains information on millions of deceased individuals with United States social security numbers whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration.

The Social Security Administration has warned of anticipated employee retirements. DSI …

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