BPI Critical Success Factors Focus Phase

Are you attracted to today’s high-tech business environment where leaders manage people, resources and operations on a global scale? Our three-year BSc Business Management programmes share a generic first year, during which you will take seven compulsory modules from across the range of business disciplines, providing a broad understanding of business and management contexts and processes.

Develops in students a critical appreciation of the processes associated with change as it operates at the societal, organisational and individual employee Levels, and the complex challenges they pose to the successful management of organisations and those responsible for such tasks.

The module aims to provide you with a detailed understanding of the nature of knowledge, the role of Knowledge Management (KM) within different kinds of organisations and the various technologies that can facilitate Knowledge Management and benefit the organisation’s performance as well.

Introduces students to a number of the key research foci within …

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AXA SME Business Major Critical Illness Cover

No matter what type of business insurance that you need, you have to start the search with getting quotes. This ensures that the customer will benefit from reduced insurance premiums, and enjoy a high customer service. Impact of e-commerce in general shows that insurance companies obtain a significant impact for some attributes of performance. You should consult an experienced insurance broker before insuring liability for your business.

Business protection plans are flexible and can be customized to suit the buyer’s budget and other requirements. Just answer a few simple questions about your business and we’ll pull together the most suitable insurance quotes for you. It is therefore understandably tempting for applicants to fail to disclose these facts when applying for business insurance.

She talks about what she’s learnt about business since starting her own catering company. You can register for the following offer using your Barclays business account details and …

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