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For a small business, finding and maintaining business insurance can be critical to survival. We offer excellent value and extensive cover, with stock insurance part of the package. The Hollard Insurance Company Ltd (Reg No. 1952/003004/06) is an authorised Financial Services Provider, and a member of the South African Insurance Association (SAIA). PRI is often sold as part of the business insurance florida will answer any legitimate question they ask, if they successfully win the business insurance florida for their work.

Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance cover is granted on a ‘claims made’ basis. A License for Business- Depending on your restaurant business location, you may be charged a percentage of your gross sales, or a simple yearly fee to operate your business. This will provide an additional liability protection by extending the limits of your liability insurance protection.

Garven (2002) states that the use of E-commerce cause insurance companies to …

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