What’s Wrong With BUSINESS NEWS

The Master of Science in Marketing (MS Marketing) is a 36 semester credit hours degree program (12-18 months) that is designed to prepare students seeking higher level positions in marketing or pursuing a graduate program to further advance their marketing knowledge. It will therefore introduce and examine a wide range of issues including: opportunity recognition and marketing research, new product development (NPD), pricing, promotion, networking and word of mouth, relationship and services marketing, sales and selling, and distribution.

Upon the successful completion of the MSc Marketing Course, two modules will be waived, meaning students need only complete the remaining two modules (versus completing all four required modules) in order to gain a Professional Diploma in Marketing.

Namun diatas semua itu, yang paling penting adalah bahwa strategi marketing selalu ditekankan pada titik pandang PR, yang melengkapi suatu blueprint (detail plan of action/rencana rinci kegiatan), yang sesungguhnya bisa diikuti oleh siapapun juga, …

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