How To Write A Business Plan (With Sample Business Plans)

Agar usaha berjalan pada jalan yang benar maka seorang wirausaha harus menyusun business plan. If you’ve been in business for a while, use your past numbers to forecast your projections. If your company’s already established, a business plan provides a sense of direction and a detailed operational plan. Your business plan should also be a dynamic document that is adjusted when you gain new insight.

Funding Request – This is the section when you’ll be requesting funding for the business. A Sound Business Concept: The single most common mistake made by entrepreneurs is not selecting the right business initially. Make a list of all the tangible and intangible resources you need to get your business going.

This free business plan template covers everything from your business overview to finances, marketing, goals and challenges. Bonus Data $90 My Plan Business: Sign up/recontract to the $90 My Plan Business and get 3GB …

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