The United States are one of the biggest, if not the biggest, arms exporter in the world. Businesses not following any kind of ethical code or carrying out their social responsibility leads to wider consequences. India is a complex country, and those arriving here to do business will discover that the path to success is often, not very smooth. If we don’t want more than to sell product, if we don’t enter into business with any idea other than making money, we are losing a big opportunity of using our position to make a difference.
All substantiated cases are thoroughly assessed and depending on the severity, a disciplinary sanction is applied ranging from counselling/retraining to a verbal warning, or in severe cases dismissal in accordance with our internal guidelines. The Six Principles of PRME are inspired by internationally accepted values and provide an engagement structure for academic institutions to advance social responsibility through incorporating universal values into curricula and research.
Therefore, it will be imperative for you to understand the ethics and the rules that are involved in dealing with situations that come up in the workplace. Considered only as a normative enterprise, business ethics—like many areas of applied ethics—draws from a variety of disciplines, including ethics, political philosophy, economics, psychology, law, and public policy.
Donaldson, T. & T.W. Dunfee, 1999, Ties that Bind: A Social Contracts Approach to Business Ethics, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press. It is not only possible, but necessary, to run a sales force that turns over large amounts of business while serving its customers with respect and exceptional care.
Systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertising, social and economic accounting, labour relations, public relations and organisational behaviour are analysed from a moral viewpoint. What is constructed in the code of ethics will be different in each industry, as they all have their own regulations, objectives and requirements.