You’ll find it helpful to put together a business plan to plot the future of your business – from where you are now, to where you want to be in the future, and how you intend to get there. With the interview information as background, the consultant can now use a wide range of resources to find supporting data and statistics for the business plan. Before reviewing the resources in the following sections about specific aspects of business planning, the reader should first get a basic understanding of the business planning process by reviewing the above sections in this topic in the Library.

Selain itu, bagi calon investor, business plan akan memberikan tujuan yang jelas serta tingkat kelayakan bisnis. Read about the finance options available for businesses on the Business Finance Guide website. The marketing component of your plan should cover everything from the development of your brand, pricing, advertising, other marketing methods and customer service.

Mengenai kedalaman dan rincian dari sebuah business plan sangat tergantung kepada luasnya bisnis yang akan dilakukan, apakah bisnisnya merupakan sebuah industri berskala besar atau hanya toko barang-barang kelontong. Company Description – A high level look at how all of the different elements of your business fit plan

Gather all the data you can on the feasibility and the specifics of your business concept. Getting financial assistance to help get your business up-and-running is directly tied to your business plan. Ketika business plan kita sudah mantap, maka kita akan mendapatkan jaminan yang lebih serius dari pengelola bisnis yang bersangkutan.

This section helps readers understand what your business does and the industry it operates in. It explains what is special about your business and what your plans are. Ensure your financial projections are believable: For many readers, the financial section is the most important section of the business plan, because it identifies your financing needs and shows the profit potential of your business.