The best marketers prove themselves where it matters: at the heart of the business world. In this course, fundamentals of the nature of marketing are presented and evaluated for specific functions and institutions. The theory reviewed includes communications theory, buyer behaviour theory as well as integrated marketing communications theory.

Learn how to choose and hire the right digital marketing agency, get your marketing campaigns off on the right track, and build your brand and business. In this sense, a firm’s marketing department is often seen as of prime importance within the functional level of an organization.

They will help you find your own way in the world of branding & advertising, digital marketing, geomarketing, marketing strategy, consumer marketing, retail and e-commerce, and cross-cultural consumer research. If Marketing is your second major then you can count MCOM220 as a major paper for this subject.

Creative flair is key to marketing and it is certainly true that a picture paints a thousand words. Given the specialized curriculum of the Digital Marketing Nanodegree program—and the resources required to provide this kind of educational opportunity—it is critical that we know exactly how many students we’ll be supporting and teaching.

Nah dari uraian diatas dapat sedikit kita ketahui mengenai marketing dan apa perbedaannya dengan sales. Our academic staff aim to link marketing theory with current trends in business in areas such as innovation, brand identity creation, multi-channel marketing, social marketing and sport marketing.