A business venture is much different from a hobby in as much as your business involves substantial monetary investment and consumes a lot of your energy and time, and that is why it demands a different approach altogether. Stay on top of industry trends and stay connected with your customers – this will help you stay ahead of any changes needed in your business. Business plan akan memperlihatkan apakah bisnis yang sedang direncanakan tersebut realistis untuk dijalankan. Focus on the key elements of your business plan and avoid getting too bogged down by the technical aspects of your business or using too much industry jargon.
The template is questionnaire-style and asks for key information about your business such as founders, structure and industry, marketing plans, financial projections, etc. Instead, look at your business plan as an ongoing assessment that you will frequently review and change to conform to actual operating experiences.
Proofread: Spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors can jump off the page and turn off lenders and prospective investors, taking their mind off your business and putting it on the mistakes you made. Namun saat ini, pengusaha diharapkan mampu membuat business plan dalam bentuk slide Power Point, dilengkapi dengan gambar yang berwarna serta grafik yang informatif.
Our Business Plan for 2016-17 sets out how we are responding to these global challenges and opportunities, with a focus on the areas where we can make the biggest difference. Our Business Plan 2015-18, which we launched in April 2015, set out our approach to help deliver long term, inclusive economic growth for Scotland.
List your main competitors strengths and weaknesses and the potential impact on your business. It’s also a good idea to get someone who is not involved in the business to read this section of your plan to make sure that anyone can understand it. You can combine any of our My Plan Business (including SIM only), My Plan Business Flex and Mobile Broadband Business plans on the one bill to pool and share the data between your devices.