If you have invested time and money into your business, you’ll no doubt want to make sure that it’s safeguarded. We can help you find business-specific insurance designed to cover your unique risks. The cost of using a broker may appear as soft absorbed by the lower cost of the insurance he provides you and your business. For example, if you plan on renting your office premises, you will have to furnish an insurance certificate as a rent-money guarantee.
Liability insurance: If you have customers visiting your business, general liability insurance protects your business in the event a customer is injured on your property. Through the enactment of Insurance Corporation Act VI, 1973 which led to creation of two corporations namely Sadharan Bima Corporation for general insurance and, Jiban BimaCorporation for life insurance in Bangladesh.
If you run your business out of your home, you will likely need separate contents insurance for your business assets. The first insurance company in the United States underwrote fire insurance and was formed in Charles Town, South Carolina, in 1732. Business insurance provides essential protection to help create a secure, viable and compliant enterprise.
For a new business entrepreneur, a core issue is the insurance required to open the business. These products are only available with Allianz via an authorised insurance intermediary, they are not offered on a direct basis. It can be insured has many options available as regarding the business insurance owner of business insurance.
As one of Malta’s foremost insurance and financial services organisations, we can help you build and protect your business by providing customised insurance solutions to support you and your business. A professional consult could help you find the type of insurance coverage that is best suited for the business that you have.