Here are the SSA forms and other helpful information you will need to complete an SSI/SSDI application. Stephanie Smiley, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Health Services, said that despite the furloughs, Wisconsin has been bucking the national trend by whittling down its own backlog of people waiting for an initial decision on disability benefits.

Trial begins today in federal district court in Boston against insurance giant Unum Group (NYSE: UNM – News ) on whether Unum is dumping tens of thousands of disability claims onto the overburdened Social Security system, costing the government millions of dollars.

Astrue praised Buchanan, R-Sarasota, for taking the time to learn how Social Security works, as a member of House Ways and Means Committee, which is charged with writing tax legislation and bills affecting Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlement programs.

With their unemployment-insurance checks running out, some of the country’s long-term jobless are scrambling to fill the gap by filing claims for mental illness and other disabilities with Social Security — a surge that hobbles taxpayers and making the employment rate look healthier than it should as these people drop out of the job statistics.

From reading some of the comments I have received about the allegations that the California and Hawaii Disability Determination Services (DDS) have been looking for ways to get rid of disability claims they are supposed to review, I wonder if some of my readers understand the gravity of what is alleged.