Content on is being reviewed based on the transition in Administrations, and will be updated to reflect the new policy and management priorities. For those reading this blog who may not have dealt directly with Social Security disability claimants, let me make it clear that I think that everyone who has dealt directly with this population would agree that what is alleged is wrong, wrong, wrong.
SSA decisions are issued by Administrative Law Judges and Senior Attorney Adjudicators (supported by about 6,000 staff employees) at locations throughout the United States of the U.S. Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR), who hear and decide challenges to SSA decisions.
The pesky problem with this is that everyone who has looked at eliminating the Appeals Council, including Barnhart, knows that simply eliminating the Appeals Council will increase the number of Social Security civil actions in the federal courts to unacceptable levels.
The 266-page congressional investigative report, Congressional testimony and media reports allege Daugherty worked with Kentucky disability attorney Eric C. Conn to abuse the Social Security Administration by awarding unearned disability benefits to so many clients that Conn became the third-highest-earning disability attorney in the United States at one point.
You will also need to provide Social Security with an original or certified copy of your birth certificate, your last earnings documents (W-2, last pay stub, statement of your employer, etc.) and copies (keep the originals) of any medical records you may be able to obtain.