Pemasaran adalah proses sosial dan manajerial yang seseorang atau kelompok memperoleh apa yang dibutuhkan melalui penciptaan dan pertukaran nilai barang dan jasa. Marketing is far more than just selling or advertising – ultimately, it is marketing that decides what products and services an organisation will offer, to which customers, at what price, using which channels. Design has always played a huge part in marketing as it’s important to know the way goods are packaged, promoted and how company websites and literature look and feel.
Jadwal pelaksanan atau action plan lebih banyak, sebab disini strategi inti dielaborasi lebih rinci. Inti dari marketing concept ini ialah bukan membuat konsumen mengkuti keinginan produsen, tapi sebaliknya mengaharuskan produsen memahami dan berusaha mengikuti selera konsumen.
Learn how to choose the best social CRM platform for your organization, create targeted marketing campaigns, and build analytical frameworks to measure the effectiveness of these campaigns. Learn the best practices for mobile marketing from industry analyst and marketing expert Noah Elkin.
Aspects of marketing of special relevance, such as networking, word of mouth, and personal selling are examined; including broader themes of significance such as family business. This module focuses on the role and application of business and institutional marketing theories.
This module aims to look at the different applications of the marketing mix particularly within the service environment – and how the different commercial and organisational settings affect the implementation of marketing principles. The increasing number of highly successful retail brands, their role in new product introduction, their promotional power and their ability to leverage information about the customer illustrate exceptional marketing leadership.