For those who believe there are no real new” ideas out there, we present these 10 innovative businesses that are truly thinking outside the box (and, in one case, inside it). At this stage, it’s not about getting all of the money necessary to start your business, it’s more of a metric to determine how many people are interested in your project. As a business driven writer and blogger, I’d say kudos and more grease to wheel and axle sire.

We have analyzed good small business ideas which can be started with very low investment. I’m passionate about music and politics, but I have an UNWAVERING DESIRE to achieving my business goals. The problem is that most of these ideas never get turned into a great product and sold for profit.

Those living in small towns often don’t have access to these types of stores, at least not in their immediate vicinity. These writers work very closely with their clients to ensure the correct documentation reflects the nature of the business and clarifies the business vision and direction.

Start a consultancy offering advice and support for companies looking to maintain productivity during periods of bad weather, and/or start a blog offering advice and tips on how to deal with extreme hot/cold or dry/wet weather conditions. This is definitely a small niche but if you can find right clients then this could be a great business idea.

Let us check out a few items to very first think about whenever selecting your own home based business. When ever there is a kids birthday – there will be a jumping castle in that yard. If your small business is located away from similar business types , this will cause locals to choose you over businesses that are farther away from where they live.