If you want to ensure that you are getting your company off on the right foot, business development tools may be just what you need to do so. Many businesses fail in their first year of operation and this is usually caused by the owners not doing their research before they begin. Building on the innovative pedagogical and research approaches featured in the programme, we appeal to your sociological and moral imaginations to continue developing your research skills, refining your business acumen and improving your career prospects.

As a result of different interests between shareholders and stakeholders, CSR should be a balancing act: business must balance economic performance, ethical performance, and social performance, and the balance must be achieved among various stakeholders (Lantos 2001).

The module is delivered to you using weekly lectures and IT workshops, the workshops principally concentrate on the Knowledge Management Applications in the real world through examining KM in a Business or organisational settings and to explain how KM delivers value to an organisation.

As small quantity of goods is to be produced for small market, the production cost reaches a result the price of the goods also goes high.Since Chines and Indian goods enter Nepal at lower price, Nepalese industries cannot compete with the Chines and Indian also has shrunken the market of Nepalese small market is also a problem for management.

Purpose: The purpose of this module is to establish a foundation for the study of business management; and to develop the learner’s understanding of the concept of strategic management and of the specific management tasks (planning, organising, leadership, control).