How to Start a Business : Making the decision to launch a home business is exciting and scary at the same time. No matter how many staff or workers you have, who handle things for you, your skills and expertise and continued development in that area would go a long way in influencing your decisions and making your business thrive. Even if you are a sole trader working out of your house, it makes sense to keep your business transactions separate for a number of reasons.starting a business

Many small business owners are unaware of the rules and regulations that are involved in opening up a business with a physical location. To start a business , there are questions to ask yourself such as why, what, where, when and how you are going to go about it.

Together with MicroCredit Business Scheme Programme Office, POSB would like to give you the head start to success with the MicroCredit Business Scheme (MCBS). Watch our videos to find out about tools to help you start and grow your business. We provide information about the key things you need to know and do when starting your own business.

It will not be a business concept described on paper, but a functional business with legal status in your particular governmental jurisdiction, developed within your available resources whatever they are, and challenged to generate revenue. Private legal and tax advisors should be consulted before making a determination as to the type of business entity to form.

If you are starting a business around a technology or innovation, visit our Technology and Innovation section to see the services we offer. Under a sole proprietorship, the life of the business is limited to the life of the individual proprietor. We take you through; how a business plan helps you plan, important things to include and the basics of writing your plan.