Owning a small business is hard work and you want to make sure you are protecting yourself and your business from small business insurance legal situations that may arise. Provision can be made, with first-loss limitations applying, to extend interruption insurance to protect the financial trading of the business following damage to other people’s premises (those of suppliers, subcontractors, customers, etc.) and in transit.

You’ll also find dedicated pages on public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance and employers’ liability insurance, plus information on areas such as goods in transit cover, business travel insurance, business interruption cover, commercial legal insurance, fidelity guarantees, and insurance cover for tools, data processing, engineering, credit, loss of cash, and glass and shutters.

Not only is it important to have coverage for a customer, but it is necessary to make sure that if a worker is injured on the worksite, your insurance will handle it. When applying for insurance, there are many different choices to be made concerning coverage.

The Employer’s Liability Insurance Policy indemnifies the Insured against liability at law to pay compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses in respect of the bodily injury by accident or disease to the Insured’s Employees for which he is liable and will in addition to pay all costs and expenses with the Company’s written consent.

If the business has entered into a new class by adding a new division, the entire business may now be eligible for insurance coverage through a different insurance company that is particularly anxious to write insurance for the new class of business.