Welcome to the web pages of Planning and Business Intelligence at the University of Glasgow. When you are going through technological development of BI solution, you will have ample opportunity to bring your ideas on the table. Tunable tolerances which ensure that the reconciliation system can evolve overtime as the data quality and business processes improve.

Perhaps a tag with some assembly required” should be attached to business intelligence analytics tools. In recent years, we have experienced some revival of society”s concerns with the ethics of business practices as a result of several scandals. By 2012, business units will control at least 40 percent of the total budget for business intelligence.

This includes assisting in the training of key staff to use such tools for their own data exploration and supporting increased data literacy throughout the organization. Dalam tahap justification ini, akan dilakukan business care assessment, di mana business care assessment merupakan langkah awal yang menjadi pertimbangan bagi mereka yang akan mengembangkan BI.

Sistem business intelligence mendukung 2 tipe dasar dalam fungsi analitikal: pelaporan dan online analytical processing (OLAP). Working in small classes, with a faculty of experienced researchers, you will analyse real world case studies and practice using current industry software.

Our graph will only be viewed in a software application that supports tooltips (which most data visualization products now support and enable by default). Capturing the business knowledge that may only exist in the minds of business users provides some of the most important data points for a complete BI solution.