A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, the market you are targeting and the financial forecast for your business. In the free software and open source business model, trade secrets, copyright and patents can no longer be used as effective locking mechanisms to provide sustainable advantages to a particular business and therefore a secret business plan is less relevant in those models.

Kategori proposal bisnis adalah berisi kumpulan desain proposal usaha/ bisnis plan yang meliputi: kalkulasi produksi, profit, investasi, pemasaran, analisa produksi, analisa SDM, rasio keuangan, laporan neraca laba rugi digunakan untuk membuka usaha sendiri, pengembangan usaha, pengajuan kredit kebank, kerjasama usaha ataupun penelitian.

Reading and digesting a plan and then assessing its merits takes time, so anything over and above this length is more likely to lose the reader’s attention, when what you’re really trying to do is convince them to set up a face-to-face meeting with you.

List any supporting information or other additional information that you couldn’t fit in elsewhere, such as resumes of key employees, licenses, equipment leases, permits, patents, receipts, bank statements, contracts, and personal and business credit history.

You write this section last, summarising each of the main sections of the business summary helps readers quickly understand what your business plan is about, makes them feel that you know what you are doing, and encourages them to read the whole plan.