The primary purpose of a business plan is to define what the business is or what it intends to be over time. Business plan memberikan gambaran dan arah yang jelas terhadap pengelolaan bisnis. Instead of looking for an exact match, look for a business plan that’s for a business that operates similarly to how your business will work. The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Small Business Development Centers , which provide free business consulting and help with business plan development, can also be a resource.

Business plan yang baik akan mengundang isian yang jelas dan mudah dipahami apa sebenarnya yang menjadi maksud tujuan, upaya-upaya, gambaran target, strategi dan sebagainya. It’s really important that potential investors can understand what your business is all about from a quick glance at your plan.

Melalui business plan, akan diketahui proses pemasukan-pengeluaran bisnis yang sedang dijalani. Will help you to ensure you have a sound business idea and appropriate back-up plans to make it all happen. It is the concise summary of your business and it is written at the top of the business plan.

Whether you need a good get-started guide, have a plan that you would like to verify, or have a plan you’re looking to update for your next growth phase, USDA can help connect you to resources to help you in your decisions. Selain tujuan utama tersebut, tujuan mempersiapkan business plan adalah untuk memperoleh bantuan modal dalam menjalankan bisnis tersebut.

Instead, using your plan as a tool to grow your business can be one of the most powerful things you can do to grow your business. Grab a $130 My Plan Business or above (minimum total cost over 24 months is $3120) or bundle eligible services and get your own dedicated customer support team.