In the International Business degree programme not only is the content international, you will also be studying with students from all over the world and working together in intercultural teams. The International Business major offers students the opportunity to combine the study of key international business issues with the study of language and cultural issues. For international applicants, the Degree Programme in International Business arranges entrance exams in cooperation with the FINNIPS network They are offered in about 15 countries in the first two weeks of April 2017.

The learning model helps students to combine theoretical business studies with learning-by-doing. Gaining this MBA Business degree program prepares students for professions in the global arena, focusing on the challenges that confront international and global markets.

Thus, a co-major in International Business facilitates success in a wide variety of careers. This course studies a wide variety of tests and measurements used to assess intelligence, aptitude, achievement, and personality in clinical and counseling psychology, in education, and in business.

In addition, students become aware of how business functions are integrated into an organization to achieve specific goals. As the IB co-major must be combined with a primary major in another discipline, the types of jobs available to students will initially depend on that primary major.

Business Accounting Finance for Non-Accountants This module introduces the basics of Management and Financial Accounting for students who do not intend to follow a career in Accounting. Facilities include the David Lam Management Research Library and the Business Career Centre.