The choice of business insurance options available today is nearly as vast and varied as the enterprises themselves. For example, if a home improvement center decides to add an installation service to their business offerings, the home improvement store including the installation service may be eligible for better rates through an insurance company anxious to write contractors but which may not have been willing to write retail risks alone.

You should use a businessinsurance broker that understands your business and the risks that come with it. You will be provided with options to properly protect your business and the insurance broker can then place the cover you select with an appropriate insurer.

Our easy-to-use forms will ask for basic details about your business and the level of cover you require, including whether you need public/product liability insurance, professional indemnity cover, buildings insurance, revenue protection/business interruption cover, and protection for your business/office equipment and/or stock.

Commercial Property Insurance is also a part of business insurance; these are basically property insurance that covers everything that is related to the damage or the losses of the property due to a wide range of events like smoke, fire, hail, storm, wind, vandalism etc.

Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Act 1990 provides that fifty percent of all insurance business relating to any public property or to any risk or liability appertaining to any public property shall be placed with the SBC and the remaining fifty percent of such business may be placed with this corporation or with any other insurers in insurance