The following list of titles may be found in the Business Reference Department of the Spencer Road Branch Library. The Novo Nordisk Way outlines expectations for employee behaviour by stating that ‘we never compromise on quality and business ethics’ (Essential 10), which is also supported by our business ethics policy, as well as detailed procedures for how to operate.

To be successful, you should plan about two hours per module to interact with the course content, which includes introducing yourself, watching the video vignettes, posting to case discussions, completing and posting to exercises, taking end-of-module quizzes, submitting an 400 word ethical analysis, and completing peer reviews of three other student ethics analyses.

We expect our employees to deal with everyone in a fair and open manner and to conform to the spirit and intent, as well as the technical requirements, of all contracts and agreements that we enter into, and with all laws, regulations and rules that govern us. Our approach to business ethics is guided by our Code of Ethics, which is implemented through our Doing What’s Right program, supported by our Anti-Corruption Policy, and has provisions for conflicts of interest.

It is the recognition of these obligations that has led several large corporations to formulate codes of ethics, ethics committees, communication systems for employees to report abuses or seek guidance, ethics training programs, ethics officers, and disciplinary processes.

Safari Network, a representation agency for filmmakers where he successfully negotiated a seven-figure sale of stock footage to United News & Media in the UK. He also conceptualized and negotiated a multi-million dollar agreement with Turner Broadcasting and NHK/Japanese Broadcasting for 6 one-hour television specials.