A great small business always starts out as an idea, but you have to transform that idea into action. It also creates a map for investors, bankers, and other interested parties to use when determining how they can best help you and to help them decide whether or not your business is viable. And you don’t need to know everything about running a business or have a complete business plan.

You can show this to other investors and if your business plan is good enough (which i know it will after you’ve followed all the steps i have listed here), they will surely invest into your business. Some types of coverage are required by law, others simply make good business sense.

Don’t forget to register your domain name once you have selected your business name. An e-commerce web presence combined with a retail store can help increase overall sales and online credibility. Many would-be small-business owners fall into the trap of trying to create the world’s biggest and most robust business plan.

If you’re not satisfied, simply call us toll-free at (800) 773-0888 during our normal business hours. We asked Sheryl Thai, co-founder of the League of Extraordinary Women, to share her tips on how to start a business. You should also make sure that your home business complies with local zoning laws and city ordinances.

Now you know how much you need to be able to make your business a reality so what you do next is to get funds if you don’t have any yet. The following laws, rules and regulations apply to ALL businesses: Web Site Businesses, ebay, online, home, individuals, corporations, or any other business you enter into.