You will graduate ‘business ready’, with a clear understanding of how you can add value to employers and with the confidence to manage change. The role of institutions such as the EU, World Trade Organisation and International Monetary Fund will also be considered. Deree – The American College of Greece, a non-profit institution, admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin and does not discriminate in its programs.

Read the latest news about our program, our faculty, our students and our alumni and learn more about upcoming events from the International Business program here at SDSU. International business majors are required to take one year of a foreign language at the college level.

These partnerships allow them to apply credits earned at Centennial College towards further study. An introduction to the study of international economic systems illustrated by the study of Canada’s relations with the countries located in the Pacific Basin. Crucially, you will learn cross-cultural management of business activities and people.

International Business major at University of Manitoba offers a range of courses that help students to understand and manage globalization from a strategic perspective as well as functional perspectives. This course may also touch on some of the major philosophical, ethical, and moral questions intertwined with human rights.

This means that all modules focus on themes that are closely linked to real-life business practices. The job outlook for careers in international business is highly positive as the global interaction between multi-national companies continues to increase. As a culmination activity of this course, students are responsible for the development and presentation of a business plan.