The Bachelor’s degree programme in International Business prepares you for a management position in an international environment. During the 3 years of study you will participate in various projects and improve your skills by formulating business strategies and solving economic problems. During the second half of the year you will study modules on Global and International Business Strategy, and International Business and Emerging Markets, enabling you to develop an extensive knowledge of international business.
Language Learning – you may be able to select language modules in French, Spanish or Mandarin, delivered at the Edge Hill Language Centre, as an integral part of your degree (for which you will gain academic credits). A multinational business is a business that has been participated in by more than two nations or government parties.
Most importantly, however, you need to be deeply interested in the very broad range of issues that make doing business different from country to country. In addition to this, in the era of globalization your firm can easily become internationalize – just create a web page and there you go you are exposing your firm to international market – more market opportunities.
Further many have adopted a radical type of needs based remuneration, unrelated to the responsibility they take in the business. International Economics will help you to develop a deeper understanding of international economic concepts, including theories pertaining to trade and international investment as well as currency.
International Business examines the UK in the global economy, both in terms of trade and investment. QUT’s international business major is distinguished by an emphasis on industry skills covering trade procedures, logistics, negotiation techniques, languages, regional understanding and offshore business strategies.