Istilah intelijen bisnis (bahasa Inggris: business intelligence, BI) merujuk pada teknologi, aplikasi, serta praktik pengumpulan, integrasi, analisis, serta presentasi informasi bisnis atau kadang merujuk pula pada informasinya itu sendiri. Understanding business demand requires a huge knowledge level of the industry which you are implementing the BI solution. Data warehouse bukan hanya tempat penyimpanan data, Datawarehouse adalah Business Intelligence tools, tools to extract, merubah (transform) dan menerima data (load) ke penyimpanan (repository) serta mengelola dan menerima metadata.

Panorama is a trusted visionary and thought leader in the business intelligence software space. The ideal candidate for the Business Intelligence program is a motivated, mature learner with post-secondary education in either Business or IT. You want to specialize or to upgrade existing skills.

Business Intelligence dikategorikan menjadi 3 kategori utama( Turban, Aronson, Liang dan Sharda, 2007). Our organisation is passionate about creating the right market tools for delivering analytical, data supported decision making to push your business’s strategies to achieve their maximum value in the market.

Leverage user-friendly self-service visualization tools to combine data from multiple sources, analyze trends, and tell stories that captivate audiences. How many times do we hear of systems that the business treats as a mysterious black hole delivering questionable results.

As a master’s student in Business Intelligence and Smart Services, you’ll learn how to analyse big data, make business decisions in data-rich environments and design data-driven smart services. In the process, you’ll look at the technology that bridges the gap between raw data and analysis and learn how to correlate the most relevant information with specific business challenges.