Any information you submit that could identify you (e.g. name, email address) will be stored securely, and destroyed after we process your feedback. Definisi partnership ialah an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit (Musselman dan Hughes), Artinya, partnership ialah suatu asosiasi atau persekutuan dua orang atau lebih untuk menjalankan suatu usaha mencari keuntungan.

Ultimately, whether you plan to launch a company, transition from being a freelancer to a small business owner, or wish to recreate, improve, and organize your current business, a Business Plan is a helpful document for steering your business forward and informing others of your plans.

It contains important information including its registered name, address of any physical locations, names of key people in the business, history of the company, nature of the business and more details about products or services that it offers or will offer.

Data Pool: If you have more than one My Plan Plus (including SIM Only), My Plan Business (including SIM Only & Tech Fund), My Mobile Broadband Plus or Mobile Broadband Business plan on the same billing account, the included monthly data allowance will combine into one data pool, which will be shared by all eligible services on that account.

Research your business plan: A business plan is only as good as the research that went into producing it. For example, you will have to do research in order to find out more about your industry, potential customers, competitors, sales and costs of doing business.