And : Find qualified attorneys or even use online services to incorporate and get trademarks. If you are unemployed you may be eligible for the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) or the Short-Term Enterprise Allowance (STEA) If you are starting a business, you also may get extra supports under these schemes, such as grants for training, market research and business plans as well as access to loans to buy equipment.

If a corporation will transact business under names other than that stated in the articles of incorporation, the corporation must file an Assumed Name Certificate with the Secretary of State, and with the county clerk in which the principal office and registered office of the corporation are to start a business

This plan should include but is not limited to: the overall concept and goal of your restaurant; specific financial information and projections; a description of your target market; your menu and pricing; equipment and employee details; an advertising and marketing plan; and a potential exit strategy.

You probably need anywhere from 3-6 months additional funds available to keep aside to assist the start up. The lenders look favorably if you have industry experience, a good management team and possibly additonally income coming in from a second job and/or a working spouse.

Offers a range of services to businesses and entrepreneurs at every stage of the business life cycle, including business name and corporate registration, general business counselling, financial assistance programs, online tools and resources, as well as workshops and to start a business