A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business, usually a new one, is going to achieve its goals. Having worked in the food industry, print and online journalism, and marketing, she is now a freelance contributor for Business News Daily. Mobile and Home Broadband data charges will apply unless you are subscribed to Mobile TV streaming package or have an Optus Home Broadband Unlimited Data plan.

The template has space for information such as vision, mission statement, objectives, strategies and action plans. So, you’re a sole trader looking to keep connected in business – try our awesome plans, designed to make business a breeze! Money being paid into your business could come from sales or investment – that includes capital you pay in yourself.

Marketing and sales plans: Explain how you plan to market your business and generate sales. This guide will help you understand what a business plan is and how you can prepare or update one for your business. If you’re trying to secure outside funding, professionals who write business plans for a living bring a lot to the table even if you only get outside help to review the plan to make sure your bases are properly covered in the document.

Your plan must reflect your objectives and should flow like a good story, with the sections working together to demonstrate why the business will be successful. For example, Tesla Motors Inc.’s electric car business essentially began as only a business plan.

With strategy and the basic information for the business plan now in hand, the consultant can outline the basic business plan. Able Financial Control: You will learn later the importance of becoming qualified in accounting, computer software and cash flow management.