At BrokerLink, our business insurance brokers are experts in commercial insurance in Alberta and Ontario. Small businesses sometimes have difficulty finding decent health insurance plans for affordable costs. If you are a building contractor, your business may require more coverage than a consultant or a web designer. However, if you choose this route, don’t settle for second best and make sure your business insurance requirements are not compromised.

Find a niche broker- many brokers and companies will specialize in a certain area. With a good insurance policy, small business owners can have peace of mind and focus on their business knowing that their business is well protected. Professional Liability insurance is another important type of coverage to protect your business from potentially catastrophic claims.

An Indemnity or Hold Harmless Clause will force your insurance company to waive any claim payment collection from your landlord even if they contributed to a loss. Your certified business agent can help you find the tools and resources you need to comply with federal regulations.

They spend on information technology professionals to make sure products and services are offered without delay and hassle. Here you can find information on public liability, professional indemnity, employers liability insurance and much more. One of the first things that you can do to improve an insurance quote is let the insurer know that you are working with quality equipment.

This type of insurance protects businesses against losses caused by data breaches, where customers’ personal information such as social security or credit card numbers, are stolen by hackers. Business liability insurance options are very useful for small businesses as they cover the business property, claims for injuries by employees and visitors, employee compensation and many more.