Soft controls are intangible things that have to do with behavioral aspects and social properties inherent in people (board members, executives, employees, etc.) and are utilized in applying hard controls in their daily business activities, and especially in business risk management, such as: tone at the top, understanding of the organization by the board, culture, structure of reporting relationships, morale, integrity and ethical values, operational philosophy, trust, Ethical climate, Empowerment, Corporate attitudes, Competences, Leadership, Employee motivation, Expectations, Openness and shared values, Information flow throughout the organization and emotional contracting. This paper provides insight into the complexity of business operations across international borders and the essence of international business environments in the international business context. To study business trends and the growth pattern of your business, you should reserve some time every day.

Franks, Chief Analytics Officer for software firm Teradata, explains what the rise of big data means to business and other organizations today. Intel’s transformation from Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) to Microprocessor Unit (MPU) maker, which was achieved not by a top management decision but by the middle management.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration used the matrix structure for its Mercury and Apollo space missions. Top management (the highest level of management) consists of the president and other key company executives who develop strategic plans. Address ethical and social responsibility considerations, including the three categories of management morality.

Purpose: The purpose of the learning is to familiarise the learner with the field of general management, including the management functions of planning, organising, leading, and control. Define marketing as a business function and demonstrate understanding of important marketing concepts e.g. product features, product range, product positioning etc.

Similar to a degree concentration, each specialization consists of five upper-division courses (15 credit hours) in a more specific area of interest. The project management system should maintain historical time data that is used in history reports and to update estimating guidelines.