Here is the lowdown on the CSM Vs PSM Certifications for Scrum Masters, for those who have certification questions on the Certified Scrum Master Certification PSM or CSM Certifications.

1. The Certification route

As most of the Scrum skills are practical in nature and dependent on learning from working in teams it is essential the Scrum Master undergoes Professional Scrum Master course before certification. Most training institutes will provide the password and link to enrol for the PSM Exams by to take the PSM exams online. The exam mandates a certain level of experience or proof of PDUs /SEUs of training and practical experience. The Professional Scrum Master training provides you with the required 16PDUs and 16 SEUs required to qualify for the PMS level-I exams and certification.

The CSM certification by Scrum Alliance is comparatively easier to earn by attending a two day-training/class with 8PDUs /SEUs. CSM is a short course and you have a choice of training partners. Once you complete the course you get 2 exam attempts which are conducted online and by the training academy. 

2. Pass Score:

The CSM exam requires a qualifying score of 69{2572370716b3cd9f8d2de4355b55e967e8893f1cc4791d98e0ef1d7eb7a306ab} in it. 35 objective type questions of which you need to score 24 rightly and the 8PDUs/ SEUs earned are required for certification. This means a very level of Scrum knowledge and practical experience is required. The PSM needs a score of 85{2572370716b3cd9f8d2de4355b55e967e8893f1cc4791d98e0ef1d7eb7a306ab} and 16 PDUs/SEUs.

3. Type of Exam

The PSM exams have three levels with different formats and one has to prove their ability at each level of Scrum mastery. The CSM is completely an objective type of test and is an easier exam to take.

4. Experience required for the exam

On completion of the course, the academy conducts these exams and awards the certification. No essential qualifications or experience is needed and you can start from scratch. PSM-I does not require training but mandates comprehensive implementation of Scrum knowledge.

5. Costs

The fee for the CSM certification depends on the institute and can be US 400-2500$. You can take the second attempt at the exam within 60 days at an extra cost. The fee for the various levels charged for certification is US150 or US 250 or US 500$ for levels I, II, and III.

6. Renewal needs

The CSM course certification is valid for a period of two years and can be renewed by paying up to US 100$. 

7. Certification attainment

The CSM certification can be attempted immediately after course completion. The PSM certification attainment is purely on the basis of your score at the exam. Just attendance of courses is insufficient.

8. Acceptance and reliability 

Training content and processes may vary between training partners. However, the exam is conducted by the Scrum Alliance training partners and is also highly valued. The PSM certification by is more reputed.

In conclusion, the training helps you to be prepared for the CSM exams. If you want to get certification, then deliberate on your choice of certification to work as a Scrum Master. Act today and enrol for Professional Scrum Master training.