This guide to writing a business plan will outline the most important parts and what should be included in an effective plan. A business plan does not need to be a hundred-page report- you can plan its extent and focus areas to suit your needs. Suatu rencana kerja yang dibuat tertulis dan resmi guna menjalankan perusahaan (business plan) merupakan perangkat tepat untuk memegang kendali perusahaan dan menjaga agar fokus usaha perusahaan tidak menyimpang.

What (and what not) to include in the plan can also be determined by issues of confidentiality. Your company business plan must include a calculation of the investment and other costs associated with starting business operations. Whether you decide to hire someone who writes business plans, write it yourself or use software, you still need to take an active role in the process.

If you maintain a correct assessment of the changing economics of your business, your plan will provide a useful roadmap as well as a financing tool. This section can also highlight the strengths of your business and focus on what sets your business apart from your competition.

The length of the business plan will vary greatly from business-to-business, but in general, all of the required information should fit into a 15- to 20-page document. Use it to your advantage – your plan will be incredibly useful when it comes to securing loans and investment, but that’s not its only use.

Usually, banks and venture capital firms make the existence of a viable business plan a prerequisite to the investment of funds in a business. You can also research industry and competitive insights, and access online learning resources that cover everything you need to create or update your business plan.