Superimposed on the responsibilities to stakeholders is the need to act ethically in whatever the firm does. The controversial issue is who should do something to help, and how much they should do. Thus defenders of the above argument focus most of their attention on establishing that firms have these duties, against those who say that these duties are properly assigned to states or individuals.
Therefore, Infineon operates under some standards and ethical requirements which, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, represent our commitment to respect and dignity of each other, safe working conditions and environmental responsibility.
The parameters on the previous slide allow the employer to effectively and ethically supervise the work done by her or his employees, to protect against misused of resources, and to have an appropriate mechanism by which to evaluate each worker’s performance, thus respecting the legitimate business interest of the employers.
Encouraging Canada to meaningfully enhance diplomatic and economic ties with key markets in Asia, with a focus on China: As a major exporter to China, in 2016, we continued to advocate for Canada to advance an economic dialogue with China in a timely fashion.
For example, a business which does not show care for where it disposes its waste products, or fails to take a long-term view when buying up land for development, is damaging the world in which every human being lives, and damaging the future prospects of all companies.