Digital marketing is a broad term that can be quite overwhelming for an entrepreneur. The reason is because there are many different marketing methods. You have PPC, SEO, Content Marketing, Organic Social, Paid Social and many more.


Although these all have their positives and negatives, there is one that stands out from the rest. That is search engine optimisation. SEO has been a common marketing strategy for many years. However, in recent years, there has been a common debate on whether or not it is still a good marketing strategy.

Three Positives Of SEO

There are many positives which is why people are still using it in their marketing strategy in 2023.

Building Trust

One of those is gaining the trust of your customers/users. If people see you are ranking well for several keywords related to a certain area, they will begin to trust your company. Think about when you are shopping for a product such as mens twin sets and you see the same brand ranking well for it. People are unaware of how brands get on the first page of Google. Instead, they just believe you are one of the best in the business.

Targeted Traffic Increases

One of the greatest benefits of SEO is that you are reaching the targeted audience, that is if you are targeting the right keywords. Using specific terms such as “cheap” and “affordable” is great for optimising your content if you want to be an affordable brand. However, if your garments are more affordable and you are optimising this content for the words “premium” and “luxury”.


There is only one positive when you reach a targeted audience and that is sales. For example, if you sell affordable tracksuits, you can dedicate a page to a tracksuit sale. That way, you attract the audience that you want to.

A Great Option For Small Businesses

Small and new companies are unable to compete with big brands because of small budgets in marketing. However, you don’t get that issue with SEO. It is a very affordable marketing strategy that won’t cost you anything if you do it yourself. The only thing that it will cost is time.


Implement content onto your website with relevant keywords and you should see your website start to rank for them. However, it is important to target low-competition keywords to ensure you are not competing with much bigger websites that are more established. Target smaller keywords so you can see progress much quicker.


As you can see, there are some great positives with SEO. One of the biggest issues with SEO is that it can take between 6-12 months before you start seeing results. Nevertheless, SEO can guarantee you results if done correctly.


Remember, you need to target relevant keywords to ensure you are attracting the right audience. If you don’t you will increase the organic traffic to your website but you won’t get any sales. It would be a waste of time for your company and therefore will cost you more money. It will also prolong your results and cause you to be out of pocket for a while.