International Business is an established academic programme within the School of Business at the University of Otago. The module looks at the theoretical background of logistics and considers the practical perspectives of logistics from an international trade perspective. The International Business programme is taught in Kent Business School (KBS) in a brand-new building, providing modern study facilities.

If you have any questions, problems, if you need help in any business that is related to the programme – and is not a course unit issue, which is managed by the appropriate Department – she is the person who you can be sure will help you. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in global organizations.

Demonstrated your knowledge of the principles and concepts of doing business in an international market context. The complex nature of the international business environment is examined, including the effects on international business activities of major changes to economic, technological, social, institutional and cultural environments.

Master’s program in International Business is open to candidates with an undergraduate degree or equivalent and English proficiency. The changing economic situation and the development of major economies, economic models and cultures will be studied, as well as the institutional backdrop.

ABN 12 377 614 012 Accessibility – Disclaimer and copyright – Privacy , Monash University CRICOS Provider Number: 00008C, Monash College CRICOS Provider Number: 01857J. Then he started analyzing the characteristics of foreign investment by large companies for production and direct business purposes, calling this Foreign Direct Investment.