Are you curious about how information technology is affecting our society? As described by Ross, Weil & Roberson for Enterprise Architecture, 19 managers should also consider letting the BI project be driven by other business initiatives with excellent business cases. Pada awal 90-an lahirlah Business Intelligence yang didahului oleh kemunculan DSS (Decision Support System) dan kemudian Executive Information System (EIS).

Leverage the latest business intelligence (BI) technologies and a broad array of data sources. These buyers favor small data-discovery vendors and BI tools over the big, traditional BI systems. Go ahead and present your innovative ideas to your business partner once you are through with back-office.

These applications are now being used by business users—not just IT staff—to analyze particular sets of departmental data, including marketing, procurement, retail and Web data. Full Sail’s Business Intelligence master of science program teaches you how to collect and analyze Big Data to better serve the needs of your clients.

Thanks to an affordable, web-scale BI solution suite, business users can get quick answers to their questions through self-service reports, dashboards and analysis while IT cost-effectively manages and scales the deployment. To compete more effectively with global challengers, U.S. companies must begin to develop corporate intelligence systems.

The course will not only be a methodology course but equally an applied course in which students will develop skills to approach business life situations critically, evaluate and communicate their findings with ease. E. Biaya pengadaan rendah Karena BI hanya software yang bekerja pada layer teratas dari pengolahan informasi, harga software-nya tidak semahal ERP.