In recent years, the number of U.S. companied that buy their inputs from low-cost foreign suppliers has been growing, and concern about the ethics associated with employing young children in factories has been increasing. That is to say that a first-level priority of one party (their immediate need) is at best a third-level priority when the consequences to them is made by someone else (presuming they value their social connection to another party). While the objective of any business is to make profits, it should contribute to the interest of the society by ensuring fair practices.

Putting real policies in place that take care of the employees and as well the local community can bring about enhancement of your business brand. They are generally an individual or organization outside of the business, whose decision to buy from the business is independent.

First, research has found that greater attention to ethics in the workplace has actually improved society overall, in that we no longer have to fear poverty due to accidents in the workplace, and our children are no longer forced to work. An enraged Janardan tried to speed up matters, as a lot more issues had to be addressed, but the Indians felt that he was only interested in finalizing and implementing the deal.

This trend is consistent with other companies – retail or otherwise – that provide alternative reporting mechanisms as part of a comprehensive ethics and compliance program. The Opus College of Business has one of the largest business ethics faculty in the ethics

What a business person can learn from a philosopher is the need to be able to explain and justify what it is that their particular corporation is doing. Even otherwise, in life, we find that people tend to talk ethics only after their opportunity and scope for temptation is over.